Type One Diabetes A-Z
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Celebrating Perseverance with a Little Magic in the Mix

Celebrating Perseverance with a Little Magic in the Mix

Celebrating Perseverance with a Little Magic in the Mix

Happy 7th Diaversary, Ellie!

Our darling girl was diagnosed with type one diabetes (T1D) on this day in 2016. We take the occasion to honor Ellie’s strength, courage, and hard work in managing her health. Living with T1D can be incredibly challenging, and the effort required for daily life deserves special recognition. To be clear, we are NOT celebrating how long Ellie has had a chronic disease. It can be a strange concept to understand or distinction to make. A diaversary is not about embracing how long you’ve had T1D; it’s about honoring growth and perseverance.

There are lots of ways to mark a diaversary, and Ellie chooses a combination of expressing gratitude, raising awareness and supporting other people with T1D, reflecting, and treating herself. As always, we share our experience in the hope of inspiring and learning from each other.

Expressing gratitude

November is all about Thanksgiving. How appropriate that a season of appreciation coincides with National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) and Ellie’s diaversary. This is just the nudge we need to show our gratitude to Ellie’s support network (including family, friends, and teachers), healthcare providers (especially school nurses!), and the diabetes community. We get by with a little help from diabuddies and diabesties who share their experiences and insights.  We may send thank you notes, post on Instagram, deliver small tokens of thanks, or get together with people who have been instrumental in Ellie’s care.

Raising awareness and supporting people with T1D

Many people with T1D mark their diaversary by organizing special public events, participating in fundraisers to benefit T1D nonprofits, and sharing their story on socials or through traditional media outlets. Turning life’s challenges into purpose is a life skill. Kudos to people with T1D who use their diaversaries to educate people about this autoimmune condition and the importance of 24/7 diabetes management.

Ellie has been blessed with unique opportunities to increase awareness of T1D through her alphabet book, TYPE ONE DIABETES A-Z. Ellie’s children’s book helps kids who are newly diagnosed feel less alone, explains some of what it takes to manage T1D, and encourages other kids to share their experiences.

Last year, on Ellie’s 6th diaversary, a special story about Ellie’s book and its impact ran on Ozarks Life. When Ellie was diagnosed, we could not have imagined how God would use this challenge. But, the story of Ellie, Mrs. Rosebrough, and Gibson coming togethers shows how people with diabetes support each other, empower the newly diagnosed, and raise awareness of T1D.

Read the Story from Ozarks Life

Ellie has the rare opportunity to spend her diaversary at the happiest place on earth–Walt Disney World. Her grandparents began taking her when she was 2 years old. Being diagnosed with T1D has never prevented Ellie from continuing this beloved tradition.



In the midst of her everyday hustle, Ellie pauses on her diaversary. As a family, we encourage her to think about her experiences since her diagnosis, note her progress, and applaud her ability to face challenges and adversity.

Treating yourself

Whether you’ve lived with T1D seven days, seven months, seven years, or 17 years, managing diabetes takes a lot of work. It means monitoring your blood sugar, eating a balanced diet, staying active, counting every carb you eat so that you dose insulin accordingly, carrying fast acting carbs and diabetes supply, following special protocols on sick days, and more. It’s a never-ending responsibility that can often feel overwhelming. In addition to the daily management tasks, there is an emotional aspect to diabetes that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. T1D can have a big impact on your overall mental well-being. So, when a diaversary rolls around, seize it as a reason to indulge a little and treat yourself to a special activity! This year, Ellie has the rare opportunity to spend her diaversary at the happiest place on earth—Walt Disney World.  Her grandparents began taking her when she was 2 years old. Being diagnosed with T1D has never prevented Ellie from continuing this beloved tradition.

For many Disney enthusiasts (like Ellie), a trip to a Disney theme park is both exciting AND nostalgic. What makes Disney unique is that it isn’t simply an amusement park with attractions and food. For Ellie, it’s truly a state of mind—making it the perfect place to celebrate the courage and discipline forged from managing T1D. (Look for a future post with our tips for enjoying Disneyworld with T1D!)

Today, and always, we honor Ellie’s resilience. There are highs and lows. There are moments when you might feel like giving up, and we hope those are offset by days full of hope and possibilities. To Ellie and all people living with T1D, don’t forget that you’re never alone.

Past diaversary reflections…click here