Type One Diabetes A-Z
Type One Diabetes A-Z
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22 Books about Type One Diabetes

22 Factors Impacting Blood Glucose

22 Books about Type One Diabetes

We’ve shared the story of Ellie’s book, TYPE ONE DIABETES A-Z. Now, we’re delighted to shine a light on other great titles about type one diabetes (T1D). Books educate, enlighten, inspire, and empower. They can make a new diagnosis more manageable, provide guidance to navigate a different leg of your journey, and help you feel less alone.

Ellie loves reading to students, signing at local bookstores, and participating in educational outreach and programs via public libraries. She has learned that sharing Type One Diabetes A-Z has lots of benefits:

  • Highlighting T1D awareness, understanding, and education.
  • Connecting with fellow T1D youth, supporting each other, and sharing ideas and resources.
  • Promoting writing among young people. (Ellie encourages kids to write, to share their stories, and to think of themselves as writers.)
  • Helping young people develop resilience and express empathy.
22 in '22
22 Books about Type One Diabetes
22 Books about Type One Diabetes

Here are suggested books to add to your “to be read” (TBR) pile, give to someone newly diagnosed, wrap up for the holiday season as a sign of support, or check out from your local library.

Our book list includes Ellie’s top pick. (Here’s a hint: It’s an autobiography that does “justice” to the subject of living with T1D but not letting it define you or limit your ambitions.)

In keeping with our quick takes, fast reads, and lists of “22 in ’22,” here are books to add to your “to be read” (TBR) pile, give to someone newly diagnosed, wrap up for the holiday season as a sign of support, or check out from your local library. Please note that we have linked titles to Amazon, yet we strongly encourage you to check your local indie bookstores. Chances are they can order the books and, as a bonus, will have additional recommendations and thoughtful suggestions beyond these 22 titles.

Please share your thoughts, suggestions, and recommendations with us, and consider carrying two books with you at all times—one to read and another to write in.